About Me

img_20190316_094404The traveling started when I was 10 years old with my family. I was home schooled for two years before I re-entered public schools. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, by that point traveling was already too much a part of my life to stop. So I didn’t. I graduated from high school and college, maybe a little too quickly, traveling throughout both. All I really know is that I want to keep moving and experiencing life on the road, in the sky, on a boat, walking, biking, etc. So I thought I might as well write about it as I go. I hope some of my writing will help, inspire or maybe just entertain my readers. I have no real plan and no sense of where I might end up but I will take a lot of pictures.


  1. Keep going!
    You don’t need to know the Where? Only know that it’s all about the getting there, not the arrival.
    Why do adventurous people wear helmets? To help contain their heads because of all of their adventures! Some of these things will just blow your mind! Wearing your helmet makes putting you back together a bit easier. Or faster so you can get going again!
    And, if you screw up, it helps protect you then too?
    Don’t worry if you screw up, it will happen. We refer to it as learning.
    I still haven’t perfected screwing up. Still willing to work at it.
    Been “out there” since 1973.
    You have many adventures to live. Don’t get in a hurry, but don’t give up either. Find your balance, find your rhythm. You’ll do fine.
    P. S.
    Stocking shelves in a grocery ain’t that bad. Get in good with the produce crew. You might have a bunny or 3 to feed? And if it’s headed to a dumpster it could feed your pet? Funny how it’s OK to feed 4 legs but not 2? Don’t bother with the meat guys, if they have something for you let it be on their terms. Most high end foods such as meat sells even when near it’s end date. Bakery is starting to get that way too.
    Dented and crushed cans should be ignored anyway.
    Out of date cereal and oatmeal is good for a few more months.
    You get the idea.
    Avocados still amaze me. About the time they get ripe enough to eat today instead of next week, produce throws them out?

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